Frequently Asked Questions to Sell your Jewelry or Sell your Diamond
The value of my diamond or jewelry piece? The value of a diamond or jewelry piece, when you are selling it, is based on marketability and takes into account the condition and quality of the diamond or jewelry. The selling price will often be based on the wholesale price that it costs to replace the item. To successfully sell your jewelry or diamond, you need a realistic understanding of its value.
- Do you make offers or give estimates without seeing the jewelry? We do not make offers or give estimates by email or phone without seeing your jewelry. We use the services of a gem laboratory to test and grade each piece of jewelry we buy. You remain with your jewelry during the process. If we are interested in purchasing, an offer is made immediately and you are paid on the spot. You are under no obligation to sell after receiving our offer and we do not charge a fee to meet with you.
- Do I need an appraisal to sell you an item? An appraisal is not necessary to sell your jewelry to The Diamond Trust Estate & Jewelry Buyers/ Buckhead Buyers. If you have an appraisal, you are welcome to bring it with you to your appointment.
- What does the retail replacement value in a jewelry appraisal mean? Besides containing the gemological details about your jewelry piece, a jewelry appraisal written for insurance purposes also contains a value called the retail replacement value. The retail replacement value is an estimate of what it would take to replace an item with a NEW one. The retail replacement value includes the cost of labor, materials, and the wholesale jeweler's and retail jeweler's profits. Some jewelry appraisals may contain significantly inflated retail replacement values. You should not expect to receive the retail replacement value when you sell your jewelry.
- What if my diamond has a certificate or grading report? If you are selling a diamond that has a diamond grading report from an independent grading laboratory, like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), please bring this report with you.
- Do you provide appraisals? We do not appraise items we are considering purchasing. We feel that it is a conflict of interest to appraise an item and then make an offer to purchase it.
- Do you provide consulting services? We do not provide consulting services. We utilize and pay independent Gemologists to meet with you. If we are interested in purchasing your items, we make an offer to buy. If the offer is not accepted, any consultation that you would choose to have would be at the discretion of the Gemologist and at your expense.
- How do you pay for the items you buy? We pay you immediately with a check. All transactions conform to State laws and we require proof of identification before finalizing the transaction; please bring your driver's license with you.
- Why did I receive an offer below retail on my diamond or jewelry item? A jewelry professional can purchase a comparable diamond or a similar jewelry piece anywhere and anytime at wholesale prices. Because a similar item can easily be purchased at the wholesale price, you will not be offered the retail price. If you are trying to sell a contemporary jewelry piece, that is easily purchased new, it may be difficult for a jeweler to sell your item used. If your jewelry item isn't easily re-sellable, you'll be offered less than the wholesale value. However, there are some exceptions. Original, authentic, antique jewelry pieces in excellent condition, from the 1930's and earlier, which cannot be easily reproduced, often bring higher wholesale prices than a similar newer item. The same is true for some designer jewelry pieces.
- How do I sell my jewelry or diamonds for the most money? If you want to receive the most money for your diamond or jewelry, your best option is to sell your item to another individual by advertising in the local newspaper, or by getting a listing on eBay or Craig’s List. If you choose any of these options, be careful of scams and dangerous situations when you are dealing with strangers. If you own a special piece of jewelry with a high appraised value, or if your jewelry piece is rare or has provenance [provenance is the authenticated history of the ownership of a jewelry piece], you may want to consider selling it using the services of an auction house.
- What about antique jewelry and designer jewelry items? Original, authentic, antique jewelry pieces in excellent condition, from the 1930's and earlier, which cannot be easily reproduced, often bring higher prices than a similar newer item. The same is true for certain, higher end designer jewelry pieces.

Click "HERE" and set up an appointment to sell your jewelry or diamonds.